Tiffany Denison, Reception/Admin at

Tiffany Denison Reception/Admin

Get to know Tiffany

Tiffany has lived half her life abroad, earning her high school diploma at an international school in Greece, and she is able to interact and connect with people with ease, demonstrating her great social skills. Tiffany is motivated by a curiosity with the in’s and out’s of the real estate market, she enters the field with a fresh viewpoint and a goal to build a name for herself.

Tiffany, who studied in Athens, mixes her Greek ancestry with a global perspective, wanting to bring innovation and a modern touch to real estate. Tiffany offers a bright and new perspective to the table, with a background in marketing and a talent for identifying trends. 

As she embarks on her real estate journey Tiffany’s professional aspirations are to combine her love of design, knowledge of business, and dedication to using real estate to improve people's lives.

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